英文歌曲欣赏:阳光暖暖,白云朵朵 The Primary 5 - 2 am(在线收听

阳光暖暖,白云朵朵 The Primary 5 - 2 am

中学生活总是单调乏味的。考试破坏了学习本该有的乐趣,禁闭也一时间变成了寻常事。漂亮的女孩子身边总围绕着那些穿kappa衣服的拉风少年。比较起来,记忆中的小学生活似乎更为美好。通过The Primary 5的专辑Go,你可以重返那些无忧无虑充满新奇的简单日子。这张来自格拉斯哥的专辑,清风般活泼的表达了对夏日蓝天的向往。湮灭那些装腔作势的流行曲调,The Primary 5的《Go!》的音乐自成一格。

Secondary school was a drag. Exams crushed the joy of learning, detention became a daily chore and pretty girls were wooed by the violent tendencies of kappa wearing delinquents. Elementary school just seemed so much better, and in the sound of The Primary 5’s Go, you can finally revisit those simple days of carefree wonderment. A luminous cocktail of mouthwatering harmonies, the Glasgow quartet’s sophomore record tantalises with breezy arrangements that yearn for the blue skies of summer. Doused in gushing pop hooks, tracks like 2 A.M and Reach For The Light nudge gorgeously into the sunset dreaminess of The Shins and The Byrds. But rather than feyly simulating these all-jingling American beach sensations, this album retains a distinctly Scottish glow in Window Shopping’s shimmering down-tempo strings. Much like a straight ‘A' student destined for greatness, The Primary 5’s Go is in a class of its own.
