CNN Marketplace 2006-02-19(在线收听

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Those tumbling oil prices may be coming to an end. The prices shot up today on Wall Street, and according to Oppenheimer oil analyst Fadel Gheit, don't blame it on the cold weather most of the country's been getting this week.
. . . and also, you are still 10 degrees above, above normal, (ur) so I really don't think that, that in itself is going to cause oil prices to move higher.
Gheit says he does expect prices to remain fairly stable between the 55 dollars and 65 dollar a barrel range.

If you flew anytime last year you had a tougher time dealing with the airline says new government statistics. According to industry analyst Terry Trippler, he says we're finding that we have to defend for ourselves in this current airline environment.
They have fewer people that they can find to talk to because there're fewer people working for the airline. A lot of people are going online, they're making reservations. If they have a problem, acquaint the airline's website and make a mistake, there's nobody you really talk to about it these are the frustrations people feel.
Meanwhile the airline's lost on average about 10, 000 bags a day last year.

The core Producer Price Index rose 0. 4% - the largest monthly gain in a year. However macroeconomic director Gus Faucher at Moody's economy . com says he's not too surprised by the bump of the PPI.
A large part of that comes from higher prices for energy goods. So in that level it wasn't unexpected. I think what's a little more concerning is there was a big jump-up in the core finished goods PPI which excludes food and energy prices.
Economists had forecasted a 0. 2% gain last month.

RadioShack says it'll close down between 400 and 700 of their underperforming stores, and a computer maker is getting a little littery.
Apple computer has resorted to an unusual tactic to combat hackers. The company anticipated hackers would try to crack its new operating system. And so it hid a poem deep in the software and refers to bad karma , and how uncool it is to hack in the computers. Jane King , CNN on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

With CNN Radio Marketplace, I'm Michelle Wright.


Producer Price Index(PPI) :生产者价格指数,Index measuring changes in wholesale prices, published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics every month.
core finished goods PPI :核心成品生产者价格指数,扣除食物及能源后的生产者价格指数。
note: 分析师通常会研究指数相较于上月及去年同期的变动,来判断通货膨胀的状况,或者观察扣除食物及能源后的核心PPI(core PPI)指数,以正确判断不包括食物及能源的物价的真正走势-这是由于食物及能源价格受到季节及供需的影响,经常波动剧烈。

karma:In religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, karma is the belief that your actions in this life affect all your future lives.
