
   A proud pensioner has spent 26 years creating the ultimate life-like dolls house.

  Leonard Martin constructed the intricate house from scratch as a way to fill his time.
  伦纳德?马丁(Leonard Martin)从零开始建造了这座精致的娃娃屋,最初只是为了打发时间。
  But he soon became hooked and started to make it as real looking as possible, spending ?6,000 on the masterpiece.
  但不久他就迷上了这项业余爱好,竭尽可能地令其更加逼真, 并为此投入了6000英镑(约56764元人民币)。
  Now, the 6ft-long labour of love has six lavish rooms complete with cavity walls, marble and wood floors, soft furnishings and one-of-a-kind artwork.
  The 70-year-old said: "It is unbelievable, if I even say so myself."
  Ceilings are painted plaster, which have been gilded with 24ct gold leaf, while the chandeliers feature ?100 worth of Swarovski crystals.
  Each wooden floorboard is individually laid and French polished and each room is delicately illuminated by tiny electric lights and glowing fireplaces.
  He even commissioned a friend of a friend, famous for creating the artwork in King Farouk's palace in Egypt, to paint the delicate works of art for each room.
  Leonard said: "I had it on display for the public to raise money for the local village hall then I had to move it back to my work shop where it's still sitting on a table.
  "It took four people to lift it into place so it won't be moving any time soon! I have also built a fantastic funfair, it took me seven years.
  "I'm 70 now so I'm a bit too old to do it, I would make more houses if I had somewhere to put them, but they are so big and too heavy to do now."
  Leonard hopes to sell the house to a stately home or something similar to preserve it - even putting a miniature 'for sale' sign on the front lawn.
  life-like: 栩栩如生的
  intricate: 复杂精细的
  from scratch: 从零开始,白手起家
  hooked: 被…迷住的
  cavity wall: 空心墙
  plaster: 灰泥
  gild: 给…镀金
  chandelier: 枝形吊灯
  floorboard: 地板
  illuminate: 照亮
  commission: 委托
  funfair: 游乐场
  stately home: (尤指向公众开放的)豪宅
  miniature: 微型的