澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-07-31(在线收听

 Leading the news. The Malysian government says debris found on Reunion Island of the Indian Ocean almost certainly belongs to the same type of plane as missing flight MH 370. The plane disappeared in March last year with 239 people on board, the debris is now being transported to France for further analysis. The most credibly that we have to date of any part of the aircraft, we can locate, or we can identify. And to the developing news now, a man has been attacked by a shark at Even's head on New Southwales north coast, the man was surfing at Maine beach about 6:20 this morning when he was beaten. Police say he has puncture wounds to his legs and hands. And he is now being taken to the L base hospital in the serious but stable condition.

Police have questioned a man over the suspect to assault a teenager who went missing in B in central Victoria. The 18 year old went for a run on Wednesday afternoon, and were found 15 km away amid in G more than 24 hours later. A 30 year old man from B have been arrested and remained in costudy.
And the indigenous affairs minister NS and his wide into the bulling controversy surrounding aboriginal footballer Adam G, saying it is a terrible thing for Australia, the former Australianer of the year, A brondely medalist has taken exchange to leave but he is even considering his playing in future. Mr. S insists if G is handed out of his job it will be a blur for the nation.   