NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2015-09-17(在线收听

 The punishing drought in California is fueling some of the most destructive wild fire yet keeping thousands of evacuees wondering yet another day whether they will have a home to go back to. Among them, residents of the Northern California community of Middleton, population 1323. Capital Public Radio's LM reports a fast-moving valley fire burning north of SR has destroyed at least half the town. PF is parked in a road block outside of town. She doesn't know if her family's home is still standing. 'It's like one side of the block is burnt. Across the street it's OK. So it's not predicable. We're not sure.'Another resident VF says she hasn't slept for days.'It looks like a barren waste land have burnt. And it stinks and it's hard to breathe. And it's cloudy which is keeping all the smoke in and it makes the air quality extraordinarily poor. And it's just's been a nightmare.' Forster didn't lose her house but three of her cousins in the area have lost their homes. NPR news, I'm LM.

Rescue teams with the help of search dogs are looking for survivors of flash flood that have killed at least 9 people in the town on the Utah-Arizona boarder. Several people are still missing. They were among women and children and two vehicles swept away by the high waters. More rain is in the forecast raising fears of more floods and casualties. Migrants are stranded at the Hungarian border unable to travel through to Austria and Germany after the Hungarian government enacted tougher measures to curtail the number of new arrivals. More than 170 people have already been  been arrested for trying to break through a new border fence. They face criminal prosecution now. As a result, Hungary is taking hit from human rights activists, western European nations and its neighbor Serbia as LF reports. Hungary has declared a state of emergency in two of its counties that border Serbia. This is where tens of thousands of migrants and refugees have streamed into the EU in recent weeks. But Hungary sealed the boarder last night. Now any asylum-seekers will have to wait at official boarder posts except their cases held by a judge. Thousands of migrants are heading northward and a backlog is forming in Serbia. The Serbian foreign minister says it's unacceptable and that his country can't deal with it on its own.From NPR news. I'm LM in R in the Hungary-Serbia border.
Nearly two dozens of people including children have drowned off Turkey's coast. Local media stated the victims' wooden boat sank between Turkey and the Greek Island of Kos. Two days ago, 34 people were drowned off a Greek Island. Hundreds of people, many of them the from Mid-east, Africa and Asia have made the dangerous sea-crossing to escape poverty or conflict at home in search of a better life in Europe. Before the closing bell, Dow was up 229 points at 16160. This is NPR news.
Teachers in Washington State are still on the picket lines but not from much longer to appear. The Seattle Unions says it has an attentive labor agreement but a spokesman says the executive board may still approve that deal before the strike is formally called off. Teachers went on strike five days ago over evaluations, pay raises and other issues and delayed the start of the new school year for more than 50,000 students. CBS's entertainment chairman Nina Tesler, one of broadcast TV's longest-tenured entertainment executives, is stepping down. NPR's ED says T has championed gender diversity in network television. In her 11 years as an entertainment chief of CNS, NT has helped developed the shows like the upcoming Super Girl Series, the Big Bang Theory, CSI and CSI Miami with its *based on its classic *. Tesler has announced plans to step down as chairman at the end of the year. She'll be succeeded by a former subordinate GG filling the new role of entertainment president effectively and immediately. Tesler is the only woman who currently runs a broadcast network entertainment division without a male co-chair. She has been credited for getting more female-centered shows on CBS and more women in top-executive and producer jobs.ED, NPR news.
US businesses are posting a slight tenth of a percent increase in their inventories over the month of July. The Commerce Department says the gain is the smallest since the winter. In a separate economic report, the government notes a two tenth of a percent increase in retail sales last month. Both were by spending in cars and clothes. All major macerating indexes up more than one percent. This is NPR.