【一起闲话英语】今晚有什么计划-What are your plans for tonight?(在线收听

Cheryl / Guam
speaker What are my plans for tonight? Well, I think tonight I'm going to my friend's concert and probably see her play the piano and sing. It's at a city that I live near, so it's going to be really fun I think.
Antoine / France
speaker Right now, I think I'm going to eat because I'm quite hungry. Then I will go back to my room I have to make some studies for a course I have tomorrow, and then I will probably just chat on the internet with my friends because I am not in France right now and watch a movie and just sleep not that late to be in shape tomorrow.
Nydja / United States
speaker Tonight, actually I am in Bangkok right now and I have not had a chance to go out and see the nightlife at all. So I plan to kind of maybe jump on the BTS, the metro station here and get off a couple of different stops and see what's to be seen.
Ray / United States
speaker What are my plans for tonight? Well, I wish they were more than interesting than they actually are. I've got a conference that I'm going to be going to and I'm sure the talks are going to be very interesting and I am looking forward to hearing them, but it is a Sunday and I guess I'd rather be doing something that would maybe be a little bit less work related under the circumstances.
Hoa / Vietnam
speaker My plans for tonight. I'm going to meet some friends and then we're going to have dinner, we're going to make dinners, I'm going to make some Vietnamese food and my friends who are from Austria and from France, they're going to make some general the food called schnitzel in Austrian which is the traditional food in Austria and I think we're going to just have dinner and a little chitchat and then maybe karaoke afterwards.
Jonathan / Canada
speaker My plans for tonight. Well in fact I have a flight tomorrow morning. So I'm going to be staying by the airport tonight. I'm going to go out to karaoke. There is a bar which is usually filled with flight crews so I can meet and talk to staff of airlines from all around the world and it makes a very fun, international evening.