
例句:Why shouldn't dad hire Cousin Jed instead of some stranger? The stranger may have better qualifications. But blood is thicker than water, you know.
译文:爸爸为何不雇佣表哥Cousin Jed而雇佣外人呢?外人的条件也许更好些,你也知道胳膊肘得向里拐呀。
在我们刚才听到的例句中,可以听到一个跟“血”与“水”有关的短句:Blood is thicker than water. 究其源,It is form Germany. It's a German proverb.它是来自德国的一句谚语。Blood是“血”,water是“水”,thick在这句话中是 “intimate”(亲密的)的意思。例如:John is very thick with Anne.(译文:John和Anne很亲密。) So, this proverb means family relationships are stronger and more important than other kinds of relationships .意思是指有着血缘关系的人相互之间的感情比外人更深厚。
Eg.My friends invited me to go camping on Saturday, but I have to go to my cousin's wedding instead. Blood is thicker than water, after all.
Eg.I know Mary, my closest friend, with amazing techniques was much better than my younger sister when dancing the black swan; but I'd side with my younger sister, you know, blood is thicker than water.
我们知道了“Blood is thicker than water.”是形容骨肉亲情间难以割舍,亲情重于一切。那么为何有这个意思呢?因为古时候亲人走失,往往采用滴血认亲的方式——若有血缘关系,滴入的血就会冲破水的阻隔融合在一起,由此可见亲情是无可阻挡的,亲情至上。
那么后来“Blood is thicker than water.”又有另一层意思,它被引申为民族、种族感情至上。在汶川大地震中,我们的子弟兵奔赴灾区寻找每一个生还的生灵;当无情的洪水扑向我们时,我们的子弟兵用身躯铸造了一道防水墙;在非典突如其来时,无数医务工作者牺牲了自己而拯救了他人...... 这就是我们中华民族精神至上的体现。因为有着这一句话:
Eg.Our leaders of the older generation have always been told that blood is thicker than water. And the nation must be united. Otherwise we will be bullied.
Actually it is. 历史鉴证这句话:“落后就要挨打。”We should remember this word as the younger generation forever. All right, my dear friends, 我们今天的这招说Lover——Blood is thicker than water. 意思是血浓于水,可以指亲情至上,也可以指民族精神至上。我们今天的学习节目就到此结束了,我们下期再见。