
Redundancy 裁员 Finn: Hi there. Today we are talking about what happens when you're made redundant. Yang Li: To be 'made redundant' means to lose your job because the company is cutting staff or no work is available. Finn: Usually it is not a very happy experience to go through. But, as we're going to find out, sometimes it can be a blessing in disguise. And in today's programme, we’ll hear from an expert and two people who have turned redundancy into a good thing. My advice would be to see it as an opportunity to reinvent your life. And if you reinvent your life, remember that you've got to re-educate yourself and that means investing in yourself. One of the best ways of re-educating or reinventing yourself is to do a lowly paid or unpaid internship or apprenticeship. In other words, attach yourself in some way to people in another kind of trade or occupation or profession and learn their business. I think that we're gong to have to do that much more often in our lives. Lucky you, you are being made redundant, you will get a lump sum of some sort – that's your investment in yourself. Now don't go and blow it on a cruise or a holiday, put it into something – and I'm not saying necessarily a course – but some experience that will help you into a next kind of life. Yang Li: Some people have made very good use of the lump some to get them started in their new life and career. Listen to Yvonne.
