美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-3-28(在线收听


1. Belgium authorities continue to search for a man seen in a surveillance image with two apparent suicide bombers at the Brussels airport. Meanwhile, a Turkish official said one of the two bombers were caught in the Turkish-Syria border last year, and deported to the Netherlands in July. 

2. Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has delivered a major national security speech. Clinton slammed her GOP rivals, calling the senator Ted Cruz's proposal for police to control Muslim neighborhoods "Wrong, Counterproductive and dangerous". 

3. Speaking in Latin America, president Obama said the U.S wants rebuild trust that may have been lost in Argentina after the country's military coup 40 years ago. 

4. After hours of police coaxing, also cheered by pass-by, a man finally climbed down from the top of 80-foot sequoia in downtown of Seattle. The incident created a stir with Hashtag "Man in Tree", trending on both Twitter and Facebook. 
