
 In a speech titled "India – China Relations: 8 Steps to a Partnership of the People", Mukherjee has acknowledged the challenges in China and India's bilateral ties, but he says the Indian government is sincere in its desire for better ties with China.

"In the last seven decades, our bilateral relations have been tested by difficulties and challenges; but the determination of the Indian people to safeguard their friendship with the people of China has visibly endured."
Mukherjee says while differences exist between China and India, the two sides are fully capable of working together to resolve any issues of mutual concern.
"While it is natural for neighbours to have a difference of views on certain issues from time to time, I consider it a test of our political acumen when we are called upon to draw upon our civilisational wisdom and resolve these differences to the mutual satisfaction of both sides."
Speaking to a crowd of mostly young students, Mukherjee has turned to an Indian icon to press forward stronger bilateral ties.
"In 1942, our father of nation Mahatma Ghandi had said "I look forward to the day when a free India and a free China will cooperate together in friendship and brotherhood for their own good and for the good of Asia and the world." I call on the peoples of India and China to tirelessly strive for that objective - despite the current challenges. I am confident that we can work together to achieve this golden vision. "
Mukherjee suggested eight areas in which China and India could collaborate to grow their ties. They include youth exchange, the arts, tourism, global development and trade.
Echoing the sentiments offered by the Indian leader, President of Peking University Lin Jianhua says the university has put great emphasis in enhancing students' understanding of Indian culture.
"Peking University is committed to pushing forward cultural exchanges between China and India, we have always put great emphasis on collaboration with the higher education sector in India. This year marks the 70th anniversary of our Eastern Studies department. In the last 70 years, we have had a number of great researchers who made great achievements in areas related to India."
Mukherjee's visit to China is the first by an Indian president in 6-years.
For CRI, I'm Victor Ning.