

These days it seems like American television and videos have us in their clutches from cradle tograve. On the "grave" side, the Home Box Office cable-TV show "Six Feet Under," about afamily-owned funeral home, ran for six years and still airs in reruns. There's a current reality-TV program about a funeral-home family, too, not to mention a host of shows about forensicexperts' inspections of dead bodies. On the other end of life's spectrum, there have beenplenty of shows for kids ever since television debuted in the 1940s. Kids - five, six, 10 yearsold. But the extreme has been reached with a new online service just for babies. "BabyFirst" isnot about babies. It's for wee ones, six months, a year, two years old. Instead of just listeningto Mom or Dad sing a lullaby or goo-gooing at a dangling fish above their cribs, infants canwatch videos made just for them. The shows, with titles such as "Elephant Dress-Up" and"Shapes with Peek-a-Boo," are commercial-free, though parents who are watching with theirbabies are invited to buy products at a store on the site. According to its homepage, "BabyFirst's top child development experts have invented a way for babies and toddlers to use thecomputer themselves." As the service's executives point out, babies are already watching TV.About two-thirds of American children under two watch something on the tube every day fromtheir parents' laps or their playpens. Some baby doctors have objected to the baby-video idea.Even the most imaginative shows are no substitute for human interaction, say thepediatricians. They worry that the channel can become a cheap baby-sitter, or that someparents may bombard their tiny tots with hour after hour of shows in an effort to make themsmarter. That's ironic, because we're always hearing how dumb we're becoming, watching somuch TV.


