异类之不一样的成功启示录 第92期:即使天才也无法逃脱时代的限制(在线收听

   Once I said to him, 'What's the rest of our country like, Uncle Al?'

  And he said, 'Kiddo. When you leave New York, every place is Bridgeport.'"他回答说,“孩子,当你离开纽约后,可以看到每个地方其实都是布里奇港。”
  Janklow gives the sense that the world is his for the taking.
  "I've always been a big risk taker," he says.
  "When I built the cable company, in the early stages, I was making deals where I would have been bankrupt if I hadn't pulled it off.
  I had confidence that I could make it work."但我有信心可以获得成功。”
  Mort Janklow went to New York City public schools when they were at their best.
  当莫特·詹克洛这代人的出生环境最为理想时,Maurice Janklow went to New York public schools when they were at their most croweded.
  Mor Janklow went to Columbia University law school, because demographic trough babies have their pick of selective schools.
  莫特·詹克洛去了哥伦比亚大学法学院,因为处于人口出生率低谷的孩子可以选择他们的学校;Maurice Janklow went to Brooklyn Law School, which was as good as immigrant child could do at 1919.
  Mort Janklow sold his cable business for tens of millions of dollars.
  Maurice Janklow closed titles for twenty-five dollars.
  The story of the Janklows tells us that the meteoric rise of Joe Flom could not have happened any time.
  Even the most gifted of lawyers, equipped with the best family lessons, cannot escape the limitations of their generation.
  "My mother was coherent until the last five or months of her life," Mort Janklow said.
  “我母亲的精神状态一直很好,直到临死前的五、六个月,”弗洛姆·詹克洛说,"And in her delirium she talked about things she never talked about before.
  She shed tears over her friends dying in the 1918 flu epidemic.
  That generation, my parents' generation, lived through a lot.
  They lived through that epidemic, which took, what? ten percent of the world's population. Panic in the streets.
  Friends dying. And then the first World War, then the Depression, then the Second World War.
  They didn't have much of a chance, That was a very tough period.
  My father would have been much more successful in a different kind of world.