
鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan,1941年5月24日-),原名罗伯特·艾伦·齐默曼(Robert Allen Zimmerman)。美国摇滚、民谣艺术家。[1] 
鲍勃在高中的时候就组建了自己的乐队。[2]  1959年高中毕业后,就读于明尼苏达大学。在读大学期间,对民谣产生兴趣,开始在学校附近的民谣圈子演出,并首度以鲍勃·迪伦作艺名。1961年签约哥伦比亚唱片公司。1962年推出处女专辑名为《鲍勃·迪伦》。[3]  1963年起,琼·贝兹邀请迪伦与她一起巡回演出。
Robert Allen Zimmerman was born in 1941 and loved music, especially blues, from a young age. He formed several bands and played so loudly at a high school talent show the principal had to cut the microphone off. He switched to folk music because, he said: “The songs are filled with more despair, more sadness, more triumph, more faith in the supernatural, much deeper feelings."
In 1963, he released his second album, “The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan”. It included what became the most famous song of the times, "Blowin' in the Wind". The album made Dylan a legend overnight. The Beatles bought it and said: "We just played it, just wore it out…it was incredibly original and wonderful.” It inspired a whole generation of musicians.
Dylan continued to have an important impact on the history of rock for many decades. He has received hundreds of awards for his songwriting, recording and performances. He got a Pulitzer Prize in 2008 for his "profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power”. He still plays 100 dates a year.
There is a debate today about whether or not Dylan should receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. Thousands of his fans, as well as literary critics, say his words are as important as those of any previous winners. His songs describe the latter half of the twentieth century and many have become traditional protest songs. Many believe he is the greatest living poet.