美国有线新闻 CNN 马拉松游泳运动员钱伯斯完成七大洋挑战 曾险些丧命(在线收听

马拉松游泳运动员钱伯斯完成七大洋挑战 曾险些丧命

play pause stop mute unmute max volume 00:0002:10repeat repeat off Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. SUBTITLE: Kim Chambers is one of the best marathon swimmers in the world.

She is the sixth person to complete the Oceans Seven, the ultimate open water swimming challenge, and the first woman to swim from the Farallon Islands to the Golden Gate Bridge.

KIM CHAMBERS, MARATHON SWIMMER: The Oceans Seven is the open water swimming equivalent to the seven summits of mountaineering. Each of them have to be completed following traditional marathon swimming rules, which means no wetsuit ever, such as a regular swim suit, cap and goggles, you're allowed ear plugs.

And what's really important with all of these swims is that you cannot have any physical contact with anybody. You're just out there at the mercy of Mother Nature. You're the only human in the water, and they all come with different risks, sharks, jellyfish, strong currents.

The North Channel almost killed me. I ended up in a respiratory ward and a cardiac ward from jellyfish toxicity.

Most people who were stung in their first hour don't complete this one. I got stung in the first hour. It was dark, so I couldn't see. It was like swimming through landmines of jellyfish and I can remember it really, really hurt.

I knew that if I was really honest with my crew with how I was feeling, they would pull me, and I was having real difficulty breathing.

All you have to do to make that pain go away is touch the boat, and it's right there. And you do flip with that idea, but you can also see land.

My body started to deteriorate. I got really, really cold and I actually do not remember touching Scotland. I don't remember finishing my Oceans Seven.

People wondered if I would ever swim again. But all I wanted to do was go back out there. There is this real treasure that's found at that edge where you're most uncomfortable, where you are most fearful. And that's when I feel most alive.

It's just about doing something that scares you, whatever that is, because I guarantee when you put yourself, and your mind and your body to that goal and you achieve it, you can always draw back on there and say, you know what? I did that. And I did it for me, nobody else.
