
Short Conversation 给对方打电话
A:Hello.Ms. Sanchez.This is Yukio.I just got to the hotel.
B:Hi,Yukio.I'm glad you made it.
A:My room number is one four six.You can call the hotel to reach me.If I'm not here,please leave a message on voicemail.
B:I will do that.
A: Is everything as scheduled for Monday?
B:Yes,our team is looking forward to meeting you.
A:So am I.
B:See you at ten o'clock.
1.just got to
get to表示“抵达,到达”,这里加上just,表示“刚刚抵达”。
2.leave a message on voicemail
3.Is everything as scheduled for 
直译的话是”为了.......而全部按照预定个计划进行吗?“as scheduled是表示”按照预定计划“的重要短语。类似的用法如”We completed our work as scheduled."我们已经按照预定计划完成了工作。“
4.is looking forward to meeting
look forward to表示”期待“。to的后面一般接名词或者是动名词形式。在这里,是表示”我们期待......“的现在进行时,所以用be looking forward的形式。
5.So am I.
虽然也可以说Me too。但使用So am I会显得更地道。
6.reach me。