英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0327 - 中国吃货拯救美国龙虾业?(在线收听

Topic 1-Expensive dental implant
A national policy advisor has revealed that if one undergoes a dental implant of all teeth, the treatment can be as expensive as buying a BMW car.
Is the treatment really that expensive? How can we make it affordable?
Topic 2-Chinese foodies boost US lobster industry
The appetite for lobsters in China is growing, with the country setting a new record for the value of its imports of the crustaceans from the United States.
Have Chinese food lovers swooped in and saved the lobster industry in the US?
Topic 3-Top 10 miserable jobs
Chinese Internet users have recently updated the list of Top 10 Miserable Jobs of the year of 2017. Police officer, doctor and teacher are high up in the list.
It appears the dream jobs for many are in fact pretty miserable to be taken up.
What makes a dream job?             