打工姐妹花第二季 第11期:拍下纪念杯(在线收听

   And the next item up for bid is a silver-plated tin loving cup, property of Caroline Channing. 下一件要拍卖的物品是一个镀银锡制纪念杯,卡洛琳·钱宁所拥有过的物品

  How much do you think this is going to go for? 你觉得这东西会喊到多高的价
  Kitsch is always a wild card, but it has no real value. 这类东西起伏大,但本身都没实际价值。
  No real value? Please. I won that when no one thought I could. 没实际价值?拜托哦。那我是在没人看好的情况下赢来的
  I jumped 14 hurdles in the rain with walking pneumonia. It's worth something. 我身染肺炎,雨中骑栗宝跳过十四个栅栏。这可是相当价值的
  Yeah, 'cause it has money in it. 是啊。价值来自里面的钞票。
  We start the bidding at $50. 50. 51. 起标价50块。50块。51块。
  Sir, it's in increments of $10. 先生,加价幅度是10块钱。
  Then, I'm out. Sorry, the Rainbow Room really sucked me dry. 那我退出。抱歉嘛,吃高档餐厅把我的钱都榨干了。
  Hm, guess what else is pretty dry right now? 你猜猜我现在身上哪里也很"干"
  Do I hear 60? 60. 有人出60吗?我出。
  What are you doing? You said it had no real value. 你在干嘛?你不是说不值钱吗。
  I know, but wouldn't it be camp to see Miss Pickle taking a bath in that for my christmas card? 是啊,但你想象一下,拍一张泡菜小姐用奖杯洗澡的照片来当圣诞卡一定超可爱。
  Do I hear 70? 有人出70吗
  My cup is not a puppy bath. 70. 80. 我的奖杯不是狗狗的澡盆。70。80。
  Back out now, ladies. I'm a paddle bitch. 放弃吧小姐们,我乃竞价小贱哥。
  Well, I'm a bitch bitch. 100. 125. 150. 175. Hamish came to play. 我还是贱人贱贱姐呢。100。125。150。175。哈米斯想斗
  So did we, I broke my hymen getting that thing. 我们斗死他,我处女膜是练马给练没了的呢。
  Is that why it's called a loving cup? 200. 所以才叫纪念杯吗?200。
  I have 200. Do I hear 225? 我出200。有人出225吗?
  Look, Hamish. I know you have no interest in what I would normally offer you to get what I want. 听我说,哈米斯。我知道你对我平常拿来说服人的"本钱"没有兴趣。
  Don't be so sure. I was bisexual till I was 62. 话别说太早。62岁前我一直"男女通吃"。
  Look, Katie Holmes really wants this, and she's been through a lot. 凯蒂·赫尔姆斯真的很想要这东西,你看她经历了那么多苦难。
  True. It's yours. I'm out. 好吧。你们拿去。我退出。
  200 going once, going twice. Sold. 200块一次,两次。成交。
  Yes, I'm rich! 爽啊,我有钱啦!
  Did you just say "I'm"? 你又说了"我"吗
  I think you're hearing me wrong. 是你听错了吧。