英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable0531 - 遭遇现实版樊胜美家庭肿么破?(在线收听

   Topic1-Is it the sister’s responsibility to buy property for her brother

  A woman living in Wuhan, Hubei Province has been asked by her father to sponsor 100 thousand Yuan so that her little brother can buy an apartment. The father said it’s the big sister’s responsibility to financially assistant the little brother. It must be done.
  Is it blatant favoritism towards the son? When do you stop supporting a sibling?
  Topic2-Have you realized your childhood career dreams?
  We all had those childhood dreams of getting the job we always wanted, getting an apartment and getting married by the age of 30. But how big is the gap between childhood dreams and adulthood reality?
  An online survey shows that only 13% of respondents have realized their career dreams since childhood. Do you remember your childhood dreams? Have you achieved it?