打工姐妹花第二季 第14期:原谅老爸(在线收听

   Okay, well, we should go. Our time's up. 好吧,我们该走了。时间到了。

  Yeah, but--what? You just got here. 这么快要走啊,你才刚到呢。
  Well, I think I'm done for today. 我今天已经听够了。
  Boy, I've dreaded the day you looked at me like this. 我一直都害怕有天你会用这眼神看我。
  Now that it's here, it's even worse. 但真见到了,才知有多撕心裂肺。
  I only hope that one day you could look at me again the way you did the day you won that cup. 我只希望有一天,你会换个眼神看我,用你赢得奖杯那时的眼神看我。
  I love you, honey. 宝贝,我爱你。
  I love you too, daddy. Oh. Sorry. You meant her. 老爸,我也爱你。抱歉。你是对她说。
  See you next week? 下周见吗
  Wow, having a father is rough. Are you okay? 有老爸的日子也不好过呀。你没事吧?
  I will be. Because despite what everyone else may think, he's not just a thief. He's my father, And I love him. 会没事的。无论其他人怎么想,他都不止是个贼,他是我的父亲。我爱他。
  Look, if it's any consolation, I now see how that could've happened to him. 不知道这能不能让你觉得安慰,但我看出他为何会有今日了。
  I'm not condoning it, but I see how people can get caught up, 我不会原谅他,只是我懂为何别人会被拐了,
  'cause I am pissed as hell that next week I won't be riding a horse who's riding a jet ski. 但我还在生气,气下周我骑不到那只正骑着水上摩托车的马了。