英伦广角 哈里王子到访拳击俱乐部 举拳欲上擂台(在线收听

“There is a space where we can train hard.”


“…Does that prove that your mental ability…you think really positively X?”


Prince Harry has been asking a lot of questions like this recently, trying to get behind talk community clubs really meaning for the people who use them, whatever age they are. 

“You started at two years old?”

This was a very public visit. He’s also been visiting community groups privately to find out sport is changing lives. Patrick Harris sets up the Double Jab boxing club in southeast London to stop kids from getting into gangs. 

"It gives them discipline, it gives them a sense of wealth, a sense of belonging, basically, you knolw if they're believed in they achieve. And this is what happens like all of us in life, if we're believed in then we achieve more."

“Hey, let’s go.”

Coming to a club like this is a way of highlighting the huge impact. The community groups having rights up…which are for Prince Harry a scenario work. He really wants to focus on in the months and years ahead.

Sports have always been an interest of Harry X for kick about, especially if he knows he could make the good photo of.

Almost a year since he left the army, press saying the pressure is on to define what his role is with no plans take on anything like an ambulance job his brother is doing. His support however is more than welcome, especially if he helps create role models for those who really need them. 

"The legend of Muhammad Ali, which is also true, was that he had his bicycle stolen when he was 12 (and) it was the policeman who he went to for help who was the coach at the local boxing club. And around the UK there are thousands of volunteer club leaders who do the same thing."

We are told to expect more visits like this in the months ahead seeing he continues to define his future path.

RhiannonMills, Sky News, in east London.
