英文书摘精选 为什么人类身上没有斑点或条纹?(在线收听

Why Don’t Humans Have Spots Or Stripes?

Have you ever wondered why we humans don’t have spots or stripes? Well, maybe you haven’t, but it is interesting that so many creatures are multicolored but we are not.

Melanin Pigments

Humans and animals get their skin color from melanin pigments, which can be either black or yellow. Together, these two pigments account for just about every color you might see on the skin of mammals: white, red, yellow, brown, and black and every shade in between.

The skin cells that produce melanin are known as melanocytes. In the embryos of mammals, the melanocytes originate from the same group of cells that produces the spinal cord and the brain. From there, these cells migrate through the developing skin towards the belly of the animal.

Streaks and Stripes

If the melanocytes that produce dark pigments and light pigments migrate in streaks, you end up with stripes. The same goes for spots, but in this case, only random patches of certain pigments survive. In either case, the migration pattern is genetically determined.
如果产生深浅色素的黑素细胞以条纹状迁移,那么你身上就有条纹。斑点也是这么来的。但在这种情况下, 只有随机的某些色素斑点能够存活。不论哪种情况,其迁移方式由基因决定。

For certain species, like zebras, stripes provided an evolutionary advantage because they worked as camouflage. Those animals with stripes were more likely to survive, and to pass along the genes that produce stripes to their offspring. For humans, this apparently wasn’t the case. However, it’s likely that our overall skin color probably is a result of adaptation as well.
对于特定物种 ,比如斑马, 条纹因可作为伪装对进化有利。身上有条纹的动物更有可能生存下来,并把能产生条纹的基因传给后代。对于人类来说,情况显然不同。但是我们全身皮肤的颜色也可能是适应环境的结果。
