中英双语新闻 法国极右翼攻击领导人懦弱(在线收听

BBC News with Julie Candler.

The far right National Front leader in France Marine Le Pen has attacked globalization and Islamic fundamentalism at the formal launch of her campaign for the presidency. In a speech in Lyon, she accused French leaders of being too cowardly to resist attempts to impose alien values on French culture after decades of massive immigration.

Tens of thousands of protesters remain outside the main government building in the Romanian capital Bucharest, saying the repeal of a decree to soften penalties for corruption is not enough. Many are unhappy that revised proposals keeping parts of the decree will now be put to Parliament and they are calling for the Social Democrat led government to resign.

The Ukrainian military says fighting with separatist rebels in the town of Avdiivka is subsided following a week of clashes, in which more than 30 people were killed. The law has allowed work to take place on restoring power supplies to the government held town, where residents have been without electricity for days in freezing temperatures.

Avalanches triggered by heavy snow have killed scores of people in parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Homes have been destroyed and major roads blocked. Officials fear more people are trapped under the snow.

Chinese media are reporting that at least 18 people have died in a fire at a massage parlor. Television footage showed fierce flames coming from the building in Zhejiang Province. It's not clear what caused the blaze.

The Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, who's in Britain for health checks, has asked Parliament to extend his medical leave. Mr. Buhari had been expected to return to Abuja today. But a statement from his office said doctors had advised him to await test results.

And the final of the Africa Cup of Nations Football Championship is taking place in Gabon. Cameroon are playing Egypt, who took the lead in the 22nd minute.

Julie Candler为您报道BBC新闻。

法国极右翼政党国民阵线领导人玛丽娜·勒庞(Marine Le Pen)在竞选总统的第一场正式讲话中攻击了全球化和伊斯兰激进主义。在里昂发表讲话时,她指控法国领导人非常懦弱,不敢抵抗数十年的大规模移民后异域价值观对法国文化的冲撞。





前往英国进行体检的尼日利亚总统穆罕马杜·布哈里(Muhammadu Buhari)要求议会延长他的病假。布哈里原本应于今天返回阿布贾。但是来自总统办公室的声明称,医生建议他等待检查结果。

