美国有线新闻 CNN 特朗普政府宣布制裁俄罗斯 俄正研究反制措施(在线收听


Ithe U.S., the Trump administration is putting new sanctions on the nation of Russia. These are punishments for Russia's alleged interference in 2016 U.S. presidential elections. Congress has set a deadline of a month and a half ago for them to be put in place. And even though they came after that, they're said the most strict penalties that the Trump administration has ever put on Russia.

So, what are they?

First off, 19 Russians will be prevented from traveling to the U.S. That includes people accused by a U.S. special investigator of trying to interfere with the American elections. Five Russian organizations will also be penalized.

That includes two Russian intelligence agencies and some of their employees, as well as the Internet Research Agency. That's a Russian troll group that put divisive political posts on American social media platforms in 2016. Any assets that these organizations have in the U.S. are now frozen, meaning that Russians can't access them.

The Trump administration also accuses Russia of trying to hack the U.S. energy grid and it says that more punishments could be on the way.

A Russian government spokesman says his country is ready for them and that Russia is preparing a response of its own to the sanctions. The Russian government has repeatedly said it did not interfere with the U.S. election.

But as political tensions increased between the two countries, their militaries are flexing their muscles, too. And one area where they're doing that is inside the Arctic Circle.
