英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第364期:第二十四章 僵局(11)(在线收听

   Then she sighed and glanced guiltily over her shoulder at the big, round clock on the wall. 然后她叹了口气,满怀歉意地越过自己的肩膀看向墙上的那个大圆钟。

  "Do you need to go?" “你要离开了吗?”
  She bit her lip. "Phil's supposed to call in a little while… I didn't know you were going to wake up…" 她咬住唇。“菲尔过会儿会打电话来……我不知道你醒了。”
  "No problem, Mom." I tried to tone down the relief so she wouldn't get her feelings hurt. "I won't be alone." “没关系,妈妈。”我试图让自己的如释重负不那么明显,这样她就不会觉得受伤了。“我不会孤单的。”
  "I'll be back soon. I've been sleeping here, you know," she announced, proud of herself. “我很快回来。我要睡在这里,你知道的。”她宣布道,显然很为自己感到自豪。
  "Oh, Mom, you don't have to do that! You can sleep at home I'll never notice." The swirl of painkillers in my brain was making it hard to concentrate even now, though, apparently, I'd been sleeping for days. “哦,妈妈,你不必这样做!你可以睡在家里——我根本没注意到这样做的差别。”止痛药在我脑子里带来的眩晕现在让我更难集中注意力了,尽管,很显然,我已经睡了好几天了。
  "I was too nervous," she admitted sheepishly. "There's been some crime in the neighborhood, and I don't like being there alone." “我只是很不安。”她怯懦得承认道。“附近的街区发生了一些犯罪行为,我不想要独自待在家里。”
  "Crime?" I asked in alarm. “犯罪?”我警惕地问道。
  "Someone broke into that dance studio around the corner from the house and burned it to the ground there's nothing left at all! And they left a stolen car right out front.  “有些人闯进了我们家拐角处的那间舞蹈教室,把它烧成了白地——什么都没留下来!然后他们还留了一辆偷来的车在门口。
  Do you remember when you used to dance there, honey?" 你还记得吗,你以前曾经去过那里上舞蹈课呢,甜心?”
  "I remember." I shivered, and winced. “我记得。”我颤抖着,然后畏缩起来。
  "I can stay, baby, if you need me." “我可以留下来,宝贝,只要你需要我。”
  "No, Mom, I'll be fine. Edward will be with me." “不,妈妈,我很好。爱德华会陪着我的。”
  She looked like that might be why she wanted to stay. "I'll be back tonight."  她脸上的表情写着这就是她想留下来的原因。“今晚我会回来的。
  It sounded as much like a warning as it sounded like a promise, and she glanced at Edward again as she said it. ”与其说是一个保证,这听起来更像是一个警告。当她说话的时候,她又瞥了一眼爱德华。
  "I love you, Mom." “我爱你,妈妈。”