舌尖上的中国第1季 第46期:时间的味道(3)(在线收听

 Saline water is used to remove water from inside the sliced cabbages. 切好的白菜要先用盐水渍出多余的水分。

The surface of the stone used every year has been glossy. 由于年年压泡菜石头已经变得无比光滑。
Making kimchi before winter is of greatest importance to the villagers. 做泡菜是全村人在入冬前的头等大事。
The preparation starts in the early morning. 一大早,各种准备工作就陆续开始。
The most important step is to sprinkle condiments that include chili, apple, pear, fish sauce and shrimp meat. 涂抹调料是做辣白菜最重要的步骤,调料包括辣椒、苹果、白梨鱼露和虾仁等等。
The condiments vary from family to family, but fresh chili powder is a must-have. 调料的口味各家不同只有现磨的干辣椒粉必不可少。
Koreans like to celebrate festivals with Tteok, a kind of rice cake. 朝鲜族凡喜庆之日必食打糕。
The steamed glutinous rice flour will be pounded until turning moderately sticky. 将糯米蒸熟,用木槌反复锤打直至粘润。
The combination of sweet, soft Tteok and fresh kimchi is unmatched. 香甜软糯的打糕配合清新爽口的辣白菜就成了最完美的组合。
Female villagers would go to every household to help make kimchi. 左邻右舍的妇女们早有默契轮流帮助每一个家庭制作泡菜。
The spicy fragrance has permeated the small yard. 小院里弥散着鲜辣的味道。
Every household in the village has a cellar. 村子里家家户户都有着自家的菜窖。
Lactic acid ferments quietly. 半个月后,经过乳酸静静地发酵。
Half a month later, the fresh cabbages will turn into tasty kimchi. 每一颗成熟新鲜的白菜将变成合格的泡菜。
I once saw such flowers in many places like Tibet and South Korean. 我去西藏,还有韩国很多地方都有这种花。
Each time I saw them, I felt good and then recalled my childhood memories. 偶尔会看得到的时候就会觉得特别好,然后就会很怀念小时候的那种记忆。
People will never give up their desires for fresh food. 尝鲜的愿望是永恒的。
But they are likely to prefer pickled food as long as they accept the flavor. 但时间久了,吃习惯了这种被腌制出来的滋味。
And the affection for it will grow as time goes by. 也许就变得比新鲜还要诱人岁月愈久,味道愈浓。
Kimchi is the main dish for the dinner. 泡菜将是今天晚餐里的主角。
Kimchi products vary a lot, even the same Kimchi product may taste different. 朝鲜族泡菜品目繁多,而且即便只是一个品种也可以呈现出多种不同的味道。
Fresh when cool and tender when hot. 凉食的清爽,加热后的鲜香。
And Korean housewives are always proud of their cooking skills. 而每个主妇都认为自己的手艺最棒。