美国学生历史 第24期:查理二世的殖民统治(3)(在线收听

   73. The Founding of Carolina. 73.卡罗莱纳的创建

  The planting of New Jersey was not the only colonial venture of Carteret and Berkeley. 卡特赖特和伯克利的殖民商业投机不仅仅在于新泽西的种植业,
  With Lord Chancellor Clarendon and other noblemen they obtained from Charles land in southern Virginia extending southward into Spanish Florida. 他们还和大法官克拉里登及其他贵族一起获得一大片土地,这片土地从弗吉尼亚南部的查尔斯岛向南延伸到西班牙的佛罗里达,
  This great territory was named Carolina. 他们把这片土地叫做卡罗莱纳。
  74. The Carolina Colonists. 74.卡罗莱纳殖民者
  In 1663, when the Carolina charter was granted, 1663年,当卡罗莱纳宪章得到认可时,
  there were a few settlers living in the northern part of the colony. 这片殖民地的北方只有很少一些人居住,
  Other colonists came from outside mainly from the Barbadoes and settled on the Cape Fear River. 其他殖民地居民主要来自巴巴多斯,他们居住在菲尔河的一角,
  In this way was formed a colony in northern Carolina. 这样在卡罗莱纳北部就形成了一个新的殖民地。
  But the most important settlement was in the southern part of the province at Charleston. 但是,最重要的聚居地在查理斯顿,它位于这个地区的南部。
  Southern Carolina at once became prosperous. 南部卡罗莱纳迅速变得繁荣起来,
  This was due to the fact that the soil and climate of that region were well suited to the cultivation of rice. 是因为这里的土地和气候特别适于种植水稻,
  The rice swamps brought riches to the planters, they also compelled the employment of large numbers of negro slaves. 适合种植水稻的沼泽地让殖民地居民富足起来。他们还雇佣、压榨大量黑奴,
  Before long, indeed, there were more negroes than whites in southern Carolina. 实际上,卡罗莱纳北部的奴隶很快在数量上就超过了白人。
  In this way there grew up two distinct centers of colonial life in the province. 如此以来,在这个地区就形成了两个截然不同的殖民生活中心。
  75. Bacon's Rebellion, 1676. 75.培根叛乱(1676年)
  By this time the Virginians had become very discontented. 这时候的弗吉尼亚人已经变得非常不满,
  There had been no election to the colonial assembly since 1660 and Governor Berkeley was very tyrannical. 因为自1660年以来就没有举行过殖民议会选举,而总督伯克利又十分残暴。
  The Virginians also wanted more churches and more schools. 此外,弗吉尼亚人还想要更多的教堂和更多的学校,
  To add to these causes of discontent the Indians now attacked the settlers, 除了导致不满的这些原因,印第安人现在又要攻击移民,
  and Berkeley seemed to take very little interest in protecting the Virginians. 伯克利似乎不太关注对弗吉尼亚人的保护问题。
  Led by Nathaniel Bacon the colonists marched to Jamestown and demanded authority to go against the Indians. 而殖民者在纳撒尼尔·培根蒂领下向詹姆斯敦进发,并索要征讨印第安人的权力。
  Berkeley gave Bacon a commission. 伯克利给培根一份委任状,
  But, as soon as Bacon left Jamestown on his expedition, Berkeley declared that he was a rebel. 但是,在培根离开詹姆斯敦开始其远征之际,伯克利宣布培根是一个叛乱分子。
  Bacon returned, and Berkeley fled. 培根返回詹姆斯敦,伯克利则逃走。
  Bacon marched against the Indians again, and Berkeley came back, and so the rebellion went on until Bacon died. 培根再次率队向印第安人进发,伯克利则回到詹姆斯敦,因此叛乱继续存在,直到培根死去。
  Berkeley then captured the other leaders one after another and hanged them. 伯克利随后将其他带头叛乱的人一一抓获,并将他们绞死,
  But when he returned to England, Charles II turned his back to him, saying, 但是,当他返回英格兰时,查理二世回过头来对他说:
  "The old fool has killed more men in Virginia than I for the murder of my father." “此蠢驴在弗吉民亚杀的人,比我为报杀父之仇而杀的还要多。”
  76. Virginia after Bacon's Rebellion. 76.培根叛乱后的弗吉尼亚
  The Virginians were now handed over to a set of greedy governors. 弗吉尼亚人现在要向一大群贪婪的统治者交纳财税,
  Some of them came to America to make their fortunes. 这些统治者中有一些是来美洲发财的,
  But some of them were governors whom the people of other colonies would not have. 但是,其中一些统治者的位子在其他殖民地中并不存在,
  The only event of importance in the history of the colony during the next twenty-five years was the founding of William and Mary College (1691) at Williamsburg. 在接下来的二十五年间唯一重要的历史事件是1691年威廉和玛丽学院在威廉斯堡创建,
  It was the second oldest college in the English colonies. 这是英国人在殖民地上创建的第二所大学。