美国学生历史 第138期:安德鲁·杰克逊的任期(4)(在线收听

   He sent ships and soldiers to Charleston and ordered the collector of that port to collect the duties. 杰克森派军舰和士兵到达查理斯顿并命令海关的收税员收税,

  He then asked Congress to give him greater power. 随后他要求国会给他更大的权力,
  And Congress passed the Force Bill, giving him the power he asked for. 于是国会通过《权利法案》以给他所要求的权力,
  The South Carolinians, on their part, suspended the nullification ordinance and thus avoided an armed conflict with "old Hickory," as his admirers called Jackson. 南卡罗莱纳州的人则停止废除法令的做法,这样就避免了与"老核桃"的一次武装冲突(仰慕杰克森的人把他叫做"老核桃")。
  307. The Compromise Tariff, 1833. 307.折中关税(1833年)
  The nullifiers really gained a part of the battle, for the tariff law of 1832 was repealed. 那些主张废弃关税的人实际上取得了一点胜利,因为1832年的关税被取消了,
  In its place Congress passed what was called the Compromise Tariff. 国会代之以所谓的《折中关税》,
  This compromise was the work of Henry Clay, the peacemaker. 这折中由和事佬亨利·克雷完成。
  Under it the duties were to be gradually lowered until, in 1842, they would be as low as they were by the Tariff Act of 1816. 根据这个折中,关税将被逐渐降低,到1842年,这些关税将和1816年《关税法案》所规定的情形一样低。
  308. The Second United States Bank. 308.第二家美国银行
  Nowadays anyone with enough money can open a national bank under the protection of the government at Washington. 现在,任何一个有钱人都可以在华盛顿政府的保护下开办国家银行
  At this time, however, there was one great United States Bank. 然而,这时有一家大的美国国家银行,
  Its headquarters were at Philadelphia and it had branches all over the country. 其总部在费城并且在全国各地都有分行。
  Jackson, like Jefferson, had very grave doubts as to the power of the national government to establish such a bank. 杰克森与杰斐逊一样非常怀疑国民政府创建这样一家银行的能力,
  Its size and its prosperity alarmed him. 它的规模和繁荣让他感到惊慌,
  Moreover, the stockholders and managers, for the most part, were his political opponents. 而且,大多数股份持有者和经纪人都是他政治上的敌人。
  The United States Bank also interfered seriously with the operations of the state banks-some of which were managed by Jackson's friends. 美国银行还极力干涉各个州银行的运作,其中一些州银行由杰克森的朋友掌管。
  The latter urged him on to destroy the United States Bank, and he determined to destroy it. 各个州银行急切地要求他毁掉美国国家银行,于是杰克森决定毁掉国家银行。