向前一步:第125期 真实地表达自己的想法与情绪(21)(在线收听

   The line between personal and professional was erased for Abby when her seven-month-old daughter was diagnosed with Dravet syndrome, a rare and severe form of epilepsy. 当阿比7个月大的女儿被诊断出患了Davet综合征(一种罕见的严重癫痫病)之后,她的个人生活与工作的界限就被完全打破了。

  Abby explained that her mostly male partners got used to seeing her cry at the office and their response was heartwarming. 阿比说几乎所有的男同事都已经习惯看到她在办公室大哭,他们的回应让她很感动。
  "It was as if they envisioned me as one of their own daughters and wanted to comfort me," she said. “他们都来安慰我,那种感觉就像他们把我当成了自己的女儿一样。”她说道。
  Abby insists that her public emotion improved her work situation both by turning her colleagues into a source of support and by leading to more flexible hours. 阿比认为公开表达情绪得到了同事们的理解,也让工作变得更加灵活,这反而让她的工作状态得到了改善。
  "I know several men at my firm who have had similar experiences with sick children, “我知道公司里很多男同事因为孩子生病等原因,有着和我类似的经历,
  but they didn't feel they could be as forthcoming as I was," she said. 当他们面对这样的情况时倍感压力,也无处发泄。”她说,
  "So, in the end, I think my female manner of relating served me well." “所以,我感觉女性的处理方式对我很有好处。”
  Not every workplace and every colleague will be as generous and caring. 当然,也不是所有公司和同事都会如此宽宏大量、富有同情心。
  But I do think we are moving toward at least blurring the line between personal and professional. 但我还是认为这方面会有进步,至少个人生活和工作之间的界限正在变得模糊。
  Increasingly, prominent thinkers in the field of leadership studies like Marcus Buckingham are challenging traditional notions of leadership. 而且,研究领导力的杰出专家,如马库斯·白金汉等人正在挑战传统的领导力概念。
  Their research suggests that presenting leadership as a list of carefully defined qualities (like strategic, analytical, and performance-oriented) no longer holds. 他们的研究显示,把领导力理解为一连串精确定义的特征(比如有战略眼光、分析能力、以业绩为导向)的理论已经站不住脚了。
  Instead, true leadership stems from individuality that is honestly and sometimes imperfectly expressed. 正好相反,真正的领导力来自于真诚的表现,以及不太完美的个性。
  They believe leaders should strive for authenticity over perfection.  他们相信领导者应该勇于追求真实而非完美。