
 I made deliveries to Carson probably two or three times a week. 我大概一星期送货给 Carson 二或三次。

When I first started off, he wouldn't even come out of the house. 我刚开始时,他甚至不会从屋子出来。
He would just look at the truck from inside the window. 他就只会从窗户内看着卡车。
There's a picture window. 那有片大玻璃窗。
He loved just trucks in general, but for some reason, the UPS truck really captivated him. 他只要是卡车都爱,但因为某种原因,UPS 的卡车真的很吸引他。
He's just intrigued by it. 他就是被它给迷住了。
Who is that guy? 那是谁啊?
Mr. Ernie and me. Erine 先生和我。
Yeah, it's pretty neat to see him all the time with his UPS uniform on. 对啊,看到他总是穿着他的 UPS 制服还蛮棒的。
He is always looking really sharp. 他总是看起来十分有型。
You know, with his hat and his boots and his...I mean the whole outfit. 你知道,戴着他的帽子和他的靴子以及...我是指整套服装。
Who's that? Mr. Ernie! 是谁?Ernie 先生!
Hey! 嗨!
Every single day, like I said, I can come here, you know, three times in a week, and I get the same reaction every single time—all that excitement, you know. 每一天,像我说过的,我可以来这儿,你知道,一星期三次,而我每一次都得到同样的反应--那整个兴奋之情,你知道。
So...and he is always ready, waiting. 所以...他一直都准备好、等待着。
I can't see! I can't see. Oh, my god... That has a pedal in there. Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh... 我看不到!我看不到。喔,我的天... 那有个踏板在里面耶。喔,我的天!喔,我的天...
Well, are you ready to do some deliveries? 嗯,你准备好要送些货了吗?
Carson's always wanted to be a UPS driver. Carson 一直都想要当个 UPS 驾驶。
And today, we're gonna make his wish come true. 而今天,我们将让他的梦想成真。
It's locked. One, two, three, four, five... 锁上了。一、二、三、四、五...
Is this trick-or-treat again? 这又是不给糖就捣蛋吗?
It's package day. 是包裹日。
It's... It's what day? 是... 是什么日?
Package. 包裹。
Package day. 包裹日。
You can pretend you're signing. Okay. 你可以假装你在签名。好。
Okay! 好了!
We got a bone for Miko. 我们有根给 Miko 的骨头。
Oh...thank you! 噢...谢谢你!
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Well, I've been driving for over 25 years. 嗯,我已经开车超过二十五年了。
You know, everything is different every single day. 你知道,每一天每件事物都不一样。
And there's a lot of really neat people, but nobody, you know, stands out like Carson does. 而有很多真的很美好的人,但没有人,你知道,像 Carson 这般与众不同。
Yup, he's really special. 没错,他真的很特别。
I really like Mr. Ernie. 我真的很喜欢 Ernie 先生。