
 Oh, my gosh! Where do I even begin? 喔,我的老天!我究竟要从哪说起啊?

From one to ten, my stress level is at about a six. 从一到十,我的压力指数大概是在六吧。
Uh...my stress level today is probably in between a seven and an eight. 唉...我今天的压力指数大概在七和八之间。
Well, my phone was just a stressful situation.  嗯,我的手机就是一个让人紧张的状况。
I dropped it. I lost all my contacts. 我把它给搞丢了。我遗失我全部的联络人资料。
So I just came out of court, and just try and relax, try and, like, get away from all that stress. 我刚从法庭出来,试着放松,试着像是从那所有压力逃开。
My recent breakup is a little bit of a stress. 我最近一次分手有点是一种压力。
I'm an independent contractor, and I work for myself. 我是个独立承包商,我替自己工作。
One thing that brings me stress is deadline. 一件会带给我压力的事是“截止日期”。
It always seems like it's gonna fall apart at any second. 这总像是一切将随时崩溃。
I drove to Arizona and back yesterday. 我昨天开车往返亚利桑纳州。
The top two things that stress me out—not having enough time... 两件最让我有压力的事--没有足够的时间...
All I wanna do is relax. 我只想要好好放松。
I just don't know how. 我只是不知道该怎么做。
Welcome to this guided meditation. Are you ready? Let's begin.  欢迎来到这场静坐教学活动。你准备好了吗?我们开始吧。
Find a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in.  找一个舒适的位置。闭上你的双眼。深吸一口气。
And as you exhale, let your body begin to relax.  当你吐气时,让你的身体开始放松。
Listen to the gentle purring of the happy kitten. Pur, pur, pur... Now, open your eyes. 听听快乐的小猫咪和缓的呼噜声。呼噜、呼噜、呼噜... 现在,张开你的眼睛。
You know that talk is cheap 你知道说来很容易
Keep talking as I turn my cheek 当我撇头时还继续说
You know that no one really cares 你知道没人真的在乎啦
Did you know that, did you know that? 你知道吗,你知道吗?
It wasn't that long ago 就在不久之前
We learned each other's fears and 我们发现彼此的恐惧
God, I'll miss the way you cry 老天,我会想念你哭的样子
Did you know that, did you know that? 你知道吗,你知道吗?
I am coming back, back, back into your life 我会回到、回到、回到你的生活
You can't be stressed after sitting in a box full of kittens. 在坐在一个充满小猫咪的箱子后,你不可能感到有压力。
Being around young creatures just reminds you to take it easy. 被幼小的小动物包围让你想起要放轻松点。
It was great. Unexpected and adorable. 这太棒了。出其不意而且非常可爱。
You want to do it again? Yeah. Right now? Yeah. 你想再来一次?对。现在吗?对。