
 I was hoping that when I brought you back,  我本希望 当我把你带回来后

things would change here,that the final battle would begin.  这儿会有变化 最终战役将会开始
I'm not fighting any battles,kid.  我才不打仗呢 孩子
Yes,you are. You're here because it's your destiny.  不 你会出战的 这就是你的命运
You're gonna bring back the happy endings.  你要把美好结局带回来
Can you cut it with the book crap?  别说书里的废话了好吗?
You don't have to be hostile. I know you like me. I can tell.  你别这么凶 我知道你喜欢我 我看得出来
You're just pushing me away because I make you feel guilty.  你排斥我是因为我会勾起你的内疚
It's okay.  没关系的
I know why you gave me away.  我知道你为什么把我送走
You wanted to give me my best chance.  你是想给我最好的机会
How do you know that?  你怎么知道的?
It's the same reason Snow White gave you away  就像当初白雪公主把你送走
Listen to me,kid.  听着 孩子
I am not in any book.  我不是什么书里的人物
I'm a real person.And I'm no savior.  我是个真真正正的人  也不是什么救世主
You were right about one thing,though.  但有一件事你说得没错
I wanted you to have your best chance.  我确实希望你能有最好的机会
But it's not with me.  但我给不了
Come on. Let's go.  来吧 我们该走了
Please don't take me back there.  求你别带我回去
Just stay with me for one week. That's all I ask.  就陪着我一星期 一星期就够了
One week,and you'll see I'm not crazy.  只要一星期 你就会明白我没胡说
I have to get you back to your mom.  我得带你回你母亲身边
You don't know what it's like with her. My life sucks.  你根本不知道跟她在一起是什么样 我的生活糟透了
Oh,you want to know what sucking is?  知道什么才叫糟透了吗?
Being left abandoned on the side of a freeway.  被遗弃在高速公路边上
My parents didn't even bother to drop me off at a hospital.  我的父母甚至不愿把我放在医院
I ended up in the foster system and I had a family until I was 3,  我直到3岁才找到寄养家庭
but then they had their own kid,so they sent me back.  但后来他们有了自己的孩子  便把我送回去了
Look...  听着...
Your mom is trying her best.  你妈妈已经竭尽全力了
I know it's hard,  我知道那有多难
and I know sometimes you think she doesn't love you,  我也知道有时候你觉得她不爱你
but at least she wants you.  但至少她还想要你
Your parents didn't leave you on the side of the freeway.  不是你父母要把你遗弃在高速公路旁
That's just where you came through.  而是你就是从那儿出现的
What?  The wardrobe.   什么?  树屋
When you went through the wardrobe,you appeared in the street.  当你通过树屋来这儿的时候  就是在大高速路边上
Your parents were trying to save you from the curse.  你的父母只是想让你逃离诅咒
Sure they were.  我相信他们是的
Come on,Henry.  走吧 Henry
No.No.  不 不