美国小学英语教材5:第207课 童子军如何生火(3)(在线收听

It was a moment before the boy replied.


Could the camper be making fun of him?


Then, looking Mr.Grayson squarely in the face, he answered:


“Well, if you really want to know, sir, it’s like this:


“First find a place away from a tree, a stump, or a log, and not near any underbrush or young trees.


“Then scrape away all the pine needles, the leaves, the grass, sticks—everything that will burn—even the partly rotted stuff—until you get down to the dirt where it will not burn at all.


“Make a cleared space about five or six feet across; then build a small fire, just big enough for cooking.


“When you leave the fire, put it out with water, sand, or dirt.


“Be sure to cover the fire with enough sand or dirt free from sticks or leaves, so that it will not get air enough to burn.


“Play safe by taking one last look at your fire to see that it is completely smothered.


Otherwise it will just hold over, and maybe a little later the wind will blow some of the dirt away from it.


The burning coals may burst into flame and set fire to the leaves and pine needles that might be blown across the fire by the wind.”


When the Scout finished what he had to say about campfires, Mr.Grayson thanked him and then started off to find a safer place for his campfire.

