每日一句口语 155(在线收听

Yang Shuo, a junior software major at Wuhan University,

can crush fruit in the Fruit Ninja game simply by

moving his eyes. The 21-year-old boy and his teammates

recently developed a mask which operates a computer by

eye movement.



研发出了一个通过眼球运动来操控电脑的面具 。


1. junior:晚辈,三年级生,年少者,地位较低者

Example: You see, I am a sophomore and Miss Yang is a junior.你瞧,我是2年级的,杨小姐是三年级的。

2. major:成年人,主修,陆军少校,举足轻重者

Example: Popular education is one of our major objectives.民众教育是我们的主要目标之一。


Example: I was crushed that I wasn't invited.没有受到邀请,我感到很失望。

4. operate:操作,运转,经营,动手术

Example: The lift doesn't operate properly.这台电梯运转不正常。
