2020年CRI 普京称不排除宪法修正案通过后再次竞选总统的可能(在线收听

Beijing reported nine new COVID-19 infections on Sunday, the lowest daily increase of confirmed cases in a week.

This brings the total infections linked to a local market to over 230 since the first case was detected on June 11.

Of the new cases, five were reported in Fengtai, with the remaining in Haidian, Xicheng and Chaoyang.

Chinese authorities have suspended imports of poultry from U.S. firm Tyson Foods.

Move came after COVID-19 cases were reported among the employees of that meat processor.

The General Administration of Customs says that meat products from the company that have already arrived in China will be temporarily sequestrated.

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he does not rule out the possibility of bidding for another presidential term if constitutional amendments are adopted.

He made the remarks in a recent TV interview.

Russia will hold a referendum on a set of constitutional amendments on July 1.

One of them will allow Putin to seek two more six-year terms as president when his current mandate ends in 2024.

New York City will enter Phase 2 of reopening later today.

About 300,000 New Yorkers are expected to be able to return to work.

The city has recorded more than 200 thousand COVID-19 infections since March with over 17,000 deaths.

It started to ease pandemic restrictions two weeks ago.

The Iranian Deputy Minister of Justice says the country is ready to swap prisoners with other countries on humanitarian grounds amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mahmoud Abbasi says over 100 Iranian prisoners have returned from Georgia and a number of foreign prisoners have been sent to their home countries over the past couple of months.

Iran has also announced its readiness to extradite 44 Pakistani prisoners and is awaiting the country's response.

It has also swapped prisoners with the United States.

A top advisor to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says that Palestinians reject any annexation of the Jordan valley and West Bank settlements by Israel.

Nabil Abu Rudeineh says this is an issue of principle and that the Palestinian leadership will maintain and fight for this national position.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to annex the Jordon valley and all Israeli West Bank settlements.

Netanyahu's plan is in line with President Donald Trump's Middle East Plan, which has been rejected by the Palestinians.

The process could begin as early as July 1st.

European and Arab countries have warned that Israel's move would violate international law and threaten any hopes for a two-state solution.

China's e-commerce platforms registered record high sales during the mid-year online shopping festival amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Alibaba's online marketplace, Tmall, saw deals reach new highs of nearly 700 billion yuan, roughly about 100 billion U.S. dollars.

JD.com recorded about 270 billion yuan in orders during the shopping festival, an increase of over 30 percent year-on-year.

Other major platforms such as Suning.com also set new sales records.

China's manufacturing sector saw a surge in new loans in the first five months as authorities strengthened financial support amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 1.4 trillion yuan, or around 200 billion U.S. dollars worth of new loans have flowed to Chinese manufacturers, up 10 percent year on year.

It's the highest growth since 2014.

The annular solar eclipse was seen across much of Asia and West Africa.

The phenomenon is often called a "Ring of Fire," because the moon doesn't fully cover the sun, leaving a rim of golden sunlight still visible.

Annular eclipses occur about 66 times a century and can only be viewed by people in the narrow band along its path.

The last annular eclipse was in December, and the next is expected next June.
