《查莉成长日记》精讲 107(在线收听

Guys, I'd like you to meet my new girlfriend Nina.

伙计们 来见见俺的新女友 妮娜

Nina, this is my best friend P.J....

妮娜 这是我最好的哥们 PJ

Hi. - ...And his sister teddy.

嗨 - 这是她的姐姐 泰迪

Nice to meet you. - Oh, nice to meet you too.

很高兴认识你 - 哦 也很高兴认识你

Come on in. Emmett, when did you get a girlfriend?

进来吧 艾米特 你从哪捞了个女友来啊

Like 20 minutes ago. I rushed right over as soon as it happened.

大概20分钟之前 我速战速决把她搞定了

Emmett has told me so much about you.


She talks like that all the time.


She's from south america. - Venezuela.

她是从南美来的 - 是委内瑞拉

I thought you said south america.


Emmett, venezuela is in south america.

艾米特 委内瑞拉就是南美的



Yeah, they have trouble with subjects ending in "-ography."

对 他们俩对地理什么的一窍不通

And "-ath." and "-ience."

还有数学 以及自然科学

Teddy, can I talk to you for a second?

泰迪 我能跟你单独聊会吗

Sure. - I'll be right back.

行 - 我马上就回来


So how long have you been in the country?

那个 你来美国多长时间了

Only one day. - That explains how you ended up with emmett.

只有一天 - 怪不得艾米特把你搞掂了

So, Teddy,Since I have a girlfriend now.This thing that's been going on between us...


Mmm, that thing that exists only in your head?

嗯 那段存在你幻想里头的东西

Yeah, that... it's over.

对 就是那个 也该结束了



That's good. Deny the pain.

这样很好 把痛苦埋在内心

No tears? - No problem.

不要哭哟 - 没问题

So brave. - So... Emmett.

真坚强 - 就这样吧 艾米特
