《唐顿庄园》精讲26 热闹的午餐时分(在线收听

Dinner is served, my Lady.

晚餐好了 夫人

Does anyone else keep dreaming about the Titanic? I can't get it out of my mind.

还有人一直梦到泰坦尼克吗 我脑子里全是它

Not again. Give it a rest. Daisy, it's time to let it go.

又来了 消停会吧 Daisy 别再想了

But all the people, freezing to death in the midnight, icy water.


Oh, you sound like a penny dreadful.


I expect you saw worse things in South Africa, eh, Mr Bates?

你在南非应该见过更惨的事吧 Bates先生

Not worse, but...pretty bad.

说不上更惨 但也很糟糕

Did you enjoy the war?


I don't think anyone enjoys war, but there are some good memories too.

我想没人喜欢战争 但也有些美好的记忆

I'm sure there are.


Mr Bates, could you hand me that tray?

Bates先生 能把托盘递给我吗



I'll do it.


The ladies are out.


We've given them coffee and his Lordship's taken his port to the library.

咖啡上过了 老爷去藏书室了

Anna, Gwen, go up and help clear away.

Anna Gwen 上去帮忙清理餐具

Daisy, tell Mrs Patmore we'll eat in 15 minutes.

Daisy 去告诉Patmore夫人我们十五分钟后开饭

I keep forgetting. This goes next door or back to the kitchen?

我总忘 这是放隔壁 还是拿回厨房

Those go back, but the dessert service and all the glasses stay in the upstairs pantry.

厨房 甜点盘还有玻璃杯放楼上的餐具室

Put it on here.


What is it?


Her Ladyship's told him she thinks Mr Bates ought to go.


She said to me, if only his Lordship had been content with Thomas.


Did she really? What are you doing up here?

她真这么说 你上来干什么

It's a free country. Well, I'm going for my dinner. You two can stay here...plotting.

你没权利管我 我去吃晚餐了 你们继续打小算盘吧
