
Celeb baby pics get pricy 宝宝的隐私权

Exclusive pictures of the 'Brangelina' twins fetch $14 million, making them the most expensive celebrity pictures ever taken.

Hello magazine calls it the biggest exclusive of the year---photos of the Brangelina twins, Knox and Vivienne just 3 weeks after birth. Hello has the international rights. People magazine will publish the pictures in North America. Together they said to have paid a record of 14 million dollars.

"The babies don't look very impressed.

Darryn Lyons calls himself Mr. Paparazzi. He's made millions selling unofficial photos of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. He is not shocked by the cost of their latest family snaps.

"They are the No.1 celebrity couple in the world and the world wants to see those babies.”

But it's not just Jolie and Pitt who command big money from magazines for access to their children. Jennifer Lopez reportedly received 6 million dollars from People for photos of her twins. For new dad Mathew McConaughey it was 3 million from OK magazine, "Proud Mum" Jessica Alba, one and a half million, and even Britney Spears' younger sister Jamie Lynn got a way with one million dollars for pictures of her child. Darryn Lyons calls it "the new celebrity baby boom".

"Hollywood is manipulating their kids and you can't scream privacy, really, when you're throwing a new-born in front of lens, it doesn't even really know what's going on. But I'll tell you what, those babies are serious/ly/ new cash these days."

Brad and Angelina have done this before with their other children. Once again they're giving all the magazine money to charity. But public relations experts say the couple still profits indirectly.

What the publicity care, they only drive controlled images, controlled messages, but you're doing some good, and every celebrity at least knows that their brand has to be seen to be doing good."

Tom Cruise and Katie Holms didn't take any cash for pictures of baby Suri in Vanity Fair, and Nicole Kidman recently declared she won't be doing any deal for photos of her daughter, Sunday Rose.

But it's not a new moral challenge for famous parents. This little guy is Desi Arnaz junior, the son of entertainment legend, Lucille Ball. He was on the cover of the first edition of America's TV Guide back in 1953. More than half a century on the market in celebrity baby photos has become very big business

Phil Blacks, CNN, London.


Angelina Jolie的双胞胎照片荣登杂志封面,索取高达1400万美元的报酬,成了有史以来最贵的明星照片。

HELLO杂志称此为今年最独一无二的——Angelina Jolie的双胞胎,Knox和Vivienne出生三周后的照片。该杂志在全球范围内有刊登的版权。People杂志将在北美出版该照片。据两家杂志称,他们共支付了高达1400万美元的报酬。


Darryn Lyons 称呼他自己为 Mr. Paparazzi。他通过出售Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie的非官方照片已经赚取了数百万美元。他并不为这个家庭的最新照片如此高价感到震惊。“他们是世界上第一位的明星夫妇,人们都想看看他们的孩子。”

但是并不只是Jolie 和 Pitt 为他们的孩子的照片索取高价。据报道,Jennifer Lopez 从她双胞胎照片的发布者手里或许600万美元。初为人父的Mathew McConaughey 从OK杂志获取了300万美元。"Proud Mum" Jessica Alba赚取150万美元,是指就连Britney Spears的妹妹Jamie Lynn 也由于孩子的照片得到100万美元。Darryn Lyons 称这种现象为“新的明星宝宝热”。


Brad and Angelina 以前对他们的别的孩子也这样做过。不过他们再次把所有从杂志赚来的钱捐献给了慈善机构。但是公共关系专家说他们夫妇仍然间接的赚了钱。


Tom Cruise and Katie Holms 没有为他们的宝宝baby Suri 在名利场杂志的照片收取任何费用。Nicole Kidman 最近宣布,她不会拿她的女儿Sunday Rose的照片做任何交易。

但是这并不是对明星父母的新的道德挑战。这个小家伙叫Desi Arnaz junior,他是娱乐界的传奇人物 Lucille Ball的儿子。他的照片遭在1953年就刊登在美国电视导报第一版的封面上。半个多世纪以来,明星宝宝照片已经成了非常大的商业活动。
