
World's costliest cities 世界上生活成本最高的城市

Moscow tops the list, while American cities drop on Mercers' 'Worldwide Cost of Living' survey for 2008.

A new survey finds Moscow is the most expensive city to live in for the third year in a row. This has the ruble strengthen against other currencies. Tokyo, it moved up two spots to second place. That pushed London down to third place and Oslo it jumped six spots to fourth, Seoul South Korea it rounded out the top five. Now the top ten European and Asian cities actually led the pack.

The latest annual survey by research firm Mercer measures the cost of living for expatriates in 143 cities in countries on six continents. The trend this year shows the gap between the most expensive cities in the world and the least expensive, it actually appears to be widening. As far as American cities on the list New York is still the most costly city in the United States, but it comes in at No. 22 on the global list. Los Angeles clocks in at No. 55, Miami No. 75, while Washington D.C. fell a whopping 22 places to 107th.

The soft of US dollar led to an overall drop in the cost of living in 19 American cities compared to other major cities around the globe. For the six years in a row Asuncion Paraguay, it is the cheapest city to live in.

For CNNMONEY.COM I'm Stephanie Elam.




