
Since global climate negotiations began in earnest, the United States has been accused of failing to engage. But for the first time, America has now promised to lead the world on climate change under President Obama. Sky's Catherine Jacob reports.

I think the fact that United States is going to take genuine efforts to reduce emissions,is ganna really put billions of dollars into the greening of our economy, that it is going to step up engage in bollerfined,open science based negotiations,it's a dramatic change,and I think that are alone, is gonna meet the certain-level of expectation .

And you said president Obama will sign tremendous treaty emission cuts but only some another country,,developing country,like China do too?

We are gonna do many for cuts because we have to,but the only way you are gonna get a treaty that is passible in United States Senate,is going to (be) have global participation,all countries will have to do something,we can define diffirent rates ,diffirent levels, diffirent layers ,but it's gotta be measurable,reportable,and verifiable,and in the end there is got to be real actions that other countries are taking,so that no one is feeling they are doing things,but some other countries out there undoing everything they are doing.

Another concern here too, the Copenhagen deadline could slip,is that something you are worried about?

Well,I am not,we just,we shouldn't let it slip,we need to keep that target on mind,and I think it’s silly now to be talking about letting the targets slip before all the players in place, before we really grab with those issues,we need to keep the pressure on,we need to say that’s our target,we are gonna try to meet it ,don't underestimate it.

自从应对全球变暖的会谈郑重开始,美国由于没有积极参与而广受批评。但是,美国第一次承诺,会在新总统奥巴马的带领下领导世界应对气候变化问题。Sky新闻的Catherine Jacob报道。





