《丑女贝蒂》精讲 135在竞选中转危为安(在线收听

Hilda? Can I borrow you? This will only take a minute.

希尔达 你能过来一下吗 就一小会

I'll be right back and now to candidate Archie Rodriguez.

我很快就回来 现在是阿奇·罗德里格兹议员的发言

Now a lot of hub hub has been made over a certain photo of my girlfriend,

现在关于我女朋友的一张照片 有很多谣言

and I just wish the press would stop showing this photo.


That's not my best angle. Just watch.

这不是我最好的角度 专心看

Everyone's been asking me if I want to apologize to the voters,


but the truth is the only person who deserves an apology is my girlfriend.

但事实上 最需要受到道歉的人是我的女朋友

She had her privacy invade and I'm sorry I wasn't more understanding.

她的隐私被侵犯了 我很抱歉之前不理解她

As for the voters,


they're just gonna have to accept the fact that my girlfriend is sexy.

他们只得接受一个事实 我的女朋友很性感

And I will not apologize for that. Archie!

我不会为此道歉 阿奇

I can't believe you did that.


Yeah. And we got the latest polls and thanks to your sexy picture, Hilda

还有我们拿到了最新的民意调查结果 多亏了你的性感照片

I'm more popular than ever. I'm in the lead.

我的人气达到了历史新高 现在是我领先

Oh, my god! Oh, god! That's fantastic!

天啊 天哪 太棒了

Oh,my god, Archie, you're gonna win.

天啦 你要赢了

Wait. Now? I got customers. They can wait.

我还有客人 他们可以等
