《丑女贝蒂》精讲 158丹尼尔真的遗弃亲朋好友吗?(在线收听

Hey, Natalie?

嘿 娜塔丽

Where's Daniel? I really need to talk to him.

丹尼尔去哪了 我得和他谈谈

Uh, he should be back any minute,


but, uh, we're leaving for a group meeting,

不过 我们要去参加互助组的讨论会

So I doubt he'll have time to talk.


Well, he'll have to make time. this is pretty important.

他必须得腾出时间 这事儿很重要

So is this meeting.


Daniel, hey. uh, look, um,

丹尼尔 听着

I just got off the phone with your mom.


I think you should talk to her. She's really upset.

我想你得和她谈谈 她很不安

She called you. Of course. Look, uh...

她给你打电话了 当然

I don't know why she's trying to involve you,


But I'd really rather not talk about it right now.


Daniel. Your mother's really hurting.

丹尼尔 你妈妈现在很难过

I think she just wants you to hear her out.


No offense, but maybe we should just let Daniel work out his own problems.

无意冒犯 但也许我们应该让丹尼尔自己处理自己的事情

Um, no offense, but maybe you should just butt out and let Daniel answer for himself, okay?

我也无意冒犯 但也许你应该少管 让丹尼尔自己回答 行吗

Betty, you're being incredibly rude.

贝蒂 你太无礼了

Natalie's just trying to help me. She's my friend.

娜塔丽只是想帮我 她是我朋友

Yeah, so are we.


Daniel, your mom needs you right now. But, no.

丹尼尔 你妈妈现在需要你 可是不行

Instead you're listening to your new friend Natalie?


Is this like when I asked you to go to the party


'cause I can't stand to be there alone with Matt,


And, no, you're taking your new friend Natalie?

可是不行 你要带新朋友娜塔丽去

Okay, stop it.

行了 别说了

I don't know what's going on with you.


I don't need this drama in my life, okay?

我不希望生活里充满各种烂事儿 行吗
