《他没那么喜欢你》精讲 70 亲爱的,爸爸会没事的(在线收听

Beth: Do you want anything else?

Ken: Yeah, less of the cardboard crap and more regular people food.

Beth: Well, that cardboard crap is what we call whole-wheat toast.

Ken: Well, maybe you could just fry me up a couple of sausage links.

Beth: People who have just had a heart attack are generally not advised...to have animal fat that's been stuffed into a synthetic casing.

Devon: Hey, Beth. Grab me a beer when you get to the kitchen, okay? And a little plate of cold cuts, if there are any left.

Beth: Hey, would you guys please just turn that down a bit? Dad's trying to sleep.

Devon: You think he wants to hang on to this vinyl? My collection could use a lot of these.

Beth: Would you just turn it the fuck down? Well, we're totally out of toilet paper...and all we have left to eat is some old jelly and some ramen noodles. And our new brother would like to co-opt Dad's property before he's even dead. Laura, also your husband would really like another beer...to go with his fifth consecutive hour of the golf network. Are you okay? Don't worry, honey, Dad's gonna be fine.









