VOA常速英语2022 在哥谭市建立摩托车仓库(在线收听


Gotham Depo Moto Storage

We want you to feel the service and almost like you came into a nice hotel.You saw a great butcher, its denim and still keeping it fashion forward.Its sad to say that covid affected our lives in a good way.I worked for Calvin Klein. I was in their sportswear division. I was in charge of fit for blouses,my job I had dealt with fit model and it was very intimate and it was very close and the fit model would leave us and go to the Gap and leave the Gap and go to Nordstroms or me there,so the industry all of a sudden looked at the fit model and said shes a super spreader you cant do this anymore.I basically am his compatible, was his competitor worked for a privately owned company.My position was design and fabric design and research and design so it got a little crazy and working in the house so we had to kind of designate areas, he worked in the kitchen.I worked in the living room, it was tight but we managed through it until we were told that we were officially let go from the company.But we were both furloughed a few days before April 1st and when I had reached out and told our connections on the other side of the world that I worked with for 20 years,they thought it was an April Fools joke, how? youre with your company over 20 years.We both understood very quickly, no one was buying the milk, you didnt need the cow, and we were the cow, we were the design and manufacturing process.In that time there was fear there was concern of the next paycheck and where thats coming from.I was so scared I had no idea what we were going to do all the skills that I valued myself so much on mattered nothing anymore.I tend to get a little antsy, creative mind, creative hands, now I have to figure out what am I doing, what I need to do something, I need to do something.Im driving around the neighborhood come across the warehouse.It blew my mind, we both are avid riders and how can we combine our love for motorcycles,and gotta make it a career, a new career path, since covid no ones riding the subways at all.Where is everyone putting all these vehicles and how theyre storing them and he starts to pitch this idea to me.I couldnt say no, it was so well thought out, hey sort of like a boutique hotel for motorcycles.We both had very good salaries.We were very lucky in the fact that we had always put away in our 41 ks, strangely enough during covid the markets were doing well.I never thought that what we would put away for our retirement would save us,and we would call and we would call the landlords and say hey were looking to rent your space,and they said what are you looking to do and we said motorcycle parking and some of them would hang out.All they saw was motorcycle noise oil dirt so we had to shop this around kind of differently.So we needed to do presentation boards from newer enough for people to actually get it, and the warehouse was an old fishmongers warehouse.It was all white, there was nothing here smelled like fish, we saw the raw space and we knew we had this beautiful canvas.We could do whatever we want, we had one rule when we were building the garage, you cant repeat material,if you have one leather couch, the next couch cant be leather, if you have aluminum lockers, you cant have a aluminum door.We have people that come from the front just to walk to the back just to do this.Its an illusion and this is good wallpaper, we also have an office area for them, so they have people come in here,and they spend their time and they do their Wework and they have wi-fi, but they also have the ability to scan to fax to print to make copies.This way once you dismount off of your bike youre not leaning over to your neighbor,youre not knocking into your neighbors bike at all as well as a trouble charger, we provide you with a hanger, as well as your own private locker, that you have 14 cameras also with facial recognition.For us for us security is paramount, its something that we want to ensure that our members are going to rest easy at night.We needed to attract business, this is our growing years so we lower the price to 250.We coming from fashion and liking a little bit of drama and knowing the difference of art and light and balance,so that the light bounces off the ceiling and it comes down and then we have the middle row turned down, so at night this is like a fashion runway.Right right right we also built the mezzanine behind you.When we built this honestly I said to the builder I said I want nothing in that corner,I want this corner to be my Titanic, this is what I look for, really, this is what I live for.My best friend my husband my partner to take this next step in life, Ive been fired four times,and here sometimes and we laugh and we say that its two oclock and I wouldve been in a fitting or I wouldve been doing an approval of fabrics or and just to realize that this is this is our job now,and it is truly a love and its just its real humbling, I have to tell you that to sit here and to look at what weve accomplished and what we built.The biggest lesson that I think I learned from covid was something that Steph called me out on 10 years ago,and I dismissed it and I said it thats impossible and I dont see it and it was complacency, I had gotten complacent.I was very proud of my job and my title but if thats where I sat until the day I retired then that was fine.Every day we want this to grow every day, we will do something more and again, now were learning to dream.

