英语悠选脱口秀 减肥弹弹弹(在线收听



Today’s key word is Fitness

Fitness 健身,健康

It means the quality or state of being fit, good physical condition; being in shape in condition.

Here is an example:

Your fitness goal should determine(决定) the way you exercise.



今天我们一起来聊聊一个奇葩小伙的虐心的fitness goal。

In the US, a fitness trainer has lost 70 pounds in six months after he purposely gained the same amount. Just like it has never happened before.


His view sounds reasonable but his clients don’t buy it at all. When he thought he failed to push them over to the light side, he came up with an idea.

为了更好地理解客户面临的困难与挑战,他决定亲身尝试一下。 心里也许在说:“有什么难的? 老子可以吃胖了再减给你们看!”

He gave up the fitness center and started eating junk food and soda. Within six months, he went from about 190 pounds with a 34-inch waist to over 260 pounds with a 48-inch waist.


她说: "He was so insecure -- saying 'I'm so fat. I look so horrible,' constantly complaining about how he looks。"

What Manning didn't realize before is that the effects of weight gain could be way more than physical.

It affected his self-confidence. Then he became nervous when he was back in the fitness center.

曼宁说,他没有意识到体重增加造成的影响,那改变了他的人际关系,甚至影响了他的自信。印证了那句老话:No zuo no die, why you try? You zuo you die, why you cry?

曼宁重回健身房(fitness center or gym),并称:“我最大的体会是,肥胖不仅仅是生理问题,与饮食、工作等因素有关,更为关键的是它也是精神和心理问题。”尽管许多专家都说在如此短的时间快速增肥又快速减肥,非常危险。但曼宁表示他不后悔,广大支持者们也表示深受曼宁的减肥故事的鼓舞。

