优势商务英语谈判 Don't Give Concession a Way Without Receiving One in Return(在线收听

Don't Give Concession a Way Without Receiving One in Return

Dialogue 1 A:David,i fee like we're going no aware with this negotiation.I know you are interested in getting the lowest prices for your order.But i have to let you know,the difference in price reflect the difference in quality,you have to give me a higher budget to work with .

B:We've discussed the price and you know where i stand.I'll be willing to give a little on our price offer.But i really need some demo straight differences in quality to show me i'm getting on my money's worth on this.

A:I can't provide you with samples of our different quality levels.you do get what you pay for.

B:I expect samples to examine.but not only that,If i go with your higher price quotation,i am expecting some kind of discount from you guys on transportation and insurance.

A:If you are willing to pay at least 75% upfront,i can consider discounting you on insurance.

B:We could probably do 65% upfront,but i would expect discount of about 4% to 5% on our transportation insurance.

A:If you are willing to go with the prices have already quoted you,and pay 65% upfront,i could give you a 4% discount often insurance.

B:Sounds great.

Dialogue 2 A:John,you've been so good to us with the last project,we've nothing but good reports from our sales team that are involved.

B:Really,it was my pleasure ,MS Adams.i appreciate you bring your business our way for so many years.

A:Do you know John?we've been hoping you can help us out a little with account that's struggling now.do you think it would be possible to give us a little discount from you regular fee or just trying to break even with this one.

B:I can understand,if there is anything i can do to help you ,i'm certainly willing to try.as far as the discount goes,i can probably work something out for you ,because of your past record business with us.

A:We'd appreciated so much.

B:How's about a 50% discount off my normal rate?but in return i expect continuing loyalty ,and you also probably owe me lunch.

A:Sounds like a good deal to me.
