环球慢速英语 现代奴隶(6)(在线收听

Voice 1: You can also report cases in your area. Maybe there are factories where people are forced to work in poor conditions? Maybe you know of cases where people are not free to leave their jobs. You can report these to your local government officials. They have the authority to act and change situations. If governments are not trustworthy, human rights groups can intervene.


We too have the power to help protect each other. We can do this through education and then sharing information.


Voice 2: Regivaldo Pereira da Silva lives in Brazil. A local labour employer cheated Regivaldo and his wife. He made them work in a far-off place. They had little food and poor shelter. When they escaped, they tried to get their earnings. The employer refused. However, the employer did not know that Regivaldo possessed something powerful. Regivaldo had knowledge. He knew who to ask for help - a trained lawyer. Fernando de Paiva Gomes is an expert in law. Fernando helped Regivaldo go to court - and win his case!

