
  Do it!


  No can do. I just went boomboom before class.

  现在不行 上课之前已经炸过一次了

  Hey, look, I don't want to be here at all, but this can maybe make it a little more interesting to me, so please, explode.

  听着 我很想离开这 但如果你们让这课变得有意思 那我就不走了 拜托你 走一个

  You can't do it, can you?

  你不行了 对吗?

  Yes, I can, but I'm having back issues today. So, I'm gonna have to take a rain check.

  不 我能行 只是我今天我背有点酸疼 所以只能改天再来

  Do it!


  Not the time or place, little amigo.

  但先换个地方 小兄弟

  These guys are all nuts, huh, big man?

  真是一群疯子 对吧 大家伙?

  Are we speaking telepathically, or you're just..Good talk.

  你是想跟我玩猜拳游戏还是聊天? 你赢了

  Nice chatting with you.


  Today we're gonna be working on managing our anger through movement.

  今天我们一起学习一个方法来管理我们的愤怒 用肢体活动

  The first pose is the dancer pose.

  第一个动作 叫做舞者式

  Great form, Terence.

  做得很好 大红

  Eagle! Heron! Peacock! Warrior! Mountain! Tree! Rabbit! Fish! Locust! King pigeon! And of course, downward duck.

  老鹰 苍鹭 孔雀 勇士 山 树 兔子 鱼 蝗虫还有歌王 当然少不了下腰式

  Excuse me, boring hippie lady. Looks like the explodey guy's gonna puke.

  不好意思 波西米亚老姐姐 那个炸弹男好像快要吐了

  And have you done this before?


  Yes, I have, but usually not for free.

  做过 但要给钱我才做

  Didn't think so.


  Awesome. And how are we doing over here, Bomb?

  酸爽 感觉怎么样 炸弹?

  Doing wonderful. Stretching out the core.

  感觉好极了 拉伤了核心肌肉

  Just remember to breathe up through your feathers and from your talons. Bomb?

  记住 要运用你的羽毛和你的爪子 充分呼吸 炸弹


