华盛顿邮报 2023年将会看到美国人因堕胎而入狱?(2)(在线收听


    Caroline spoke to my co-host, Elahe Izadi. She is going to pick things up from here.


    Caroline, I know you've been speaking with anti-abortion leaders about this post-Roe moment.


    You know, in many states, there are laws that ban or limit abortion, but abortions are still happening in those places, often by way of illegal abortion pills.


    So I wonder, how do these anti-abortion activists feel about that?


    They're furious. Now, I want to drive home the point that we really don't know what the numbers are.


    And I have had several, in the course of this reporting, several anti-abortion advocates say to me that they are concerned that just as many abortions are happening, if not more abortions are happening now because of these pill networks that are really growing in just -- growing faster than I think a lot of people expected.


    And they're really upset because they saw this. I mean, it was. It was a landmark victory.


    It was a victory beyond what most of them thought was possible in their lifetimes.


    You know, most of them thought, "Okay, Row was overturned. That's directly going to lead to fewer abortions that happen in the United States."他们中的大多数人认为,“好吧,罗伊诉韦德案被推翻了。这将直接导致美国堕胎的减少。”

    And because of these networks, we don't know that that has happened.


    And I'd imagine they're also furious because these laws aren't being enforced.


    Absolutely. I interviewed over 30 people for this story, and I really wanted to know, how do anti-abortion advocates feel about exactly what you just asked?


    Are they happy with just, you know, the abortion bans being on the books or is there a real driving force for them to go further and really crack down and enforce?

    他们对有记载以来的堕胎禁令感到满意吗? 他们是否真正有动力让这些法律走得更远,真正打击堕胎,让法律得以执行?

    And I talked to Jonathan Mitchell about that question.


    He is a anti-abortion lawyer in Texas, very well-known as the person who was really the architect of the novel Texas abortion ban that took effect last year, many months before Roe was overturned.


    And he told me that there could be a splintering within the anti-abortion movement between the people who genuinely, deep in their bones oppose abortion and feel that it's murder and the people for whom supporting an abortion ban is a political move.

