华盛顿邮报 两年前, 一项堕胎禁令让青春期的他们成为父母(2)(在线收听


    I know that whenever I knew we were having twins, I was like, "Damn, what the hell?"每当我想起我们有一对双胞胎时,我会想,“天啊,到底是怎么回事儿?”

    My uncle has two kids and a two-story house and he's in the Air Force. That's pretty nice.


    So, that was a huge change for Billy.


    You know, before any of this happened, he thought he would live in Corpus forever, just skating every day with his friends, working, you know, whatever job he could find, just hanging out.


    But he enlisted in the military and he agreed to stay for six years because it came with a good bonus.


    That's the next six years of his life. He was away at basic training and then technical school, and he got assigned to go to a base in Tampa, Florida.


    And right after Thanksgiving, they packed up everything that they own into a U-Haul and they drove 18 hours from Corpus Christi to Tampa.


    And did Billy joining the military change their relationship?


    A lot about Billy was different. A lot about both of them was different.


    Yeah, it was -- He was like a new person. He didn't even know how to, like, be a normal human being.


    He was fresh out of basic. Like, he was very different.




    Like, you can just tell that he was, like, conditioned to, like, think a certain way and, like, act a certain way.


    Like, he didn't, like, jump out of the car to, like, hug me or anything. He was just very still.


    Did he see you?


    Yeah, he saw me. And then I walked up to the car, and he finally -- he gets out, like, slowly, and he has to, like, wear his hat, and his, like, uniform has to be all perfect or whatever.


    But he gives me a hug. And we finally, you know, see each other and we go inside.


    But you can just tell he was, like, very different.


    You know, she fell in love with this guy who, you know, on a good day, he would spend eight hours at the skate park.


    He was, like, known in Corpus. Everybody knew, you know, Billy because he was so good at skating.


    And he would help other people learn the tricks.


    And, you know, he told me he would show up at the skate park with his tripod, and he would be good to go for many hours.


    And that was his whole jam. That was what he did. And that was all he wanted to do, right? He really didn't want to join the military.

    这就是他的所有困境。这就是他以前干的事儿。这就是他想做的事情,对吧? 他真的不想参军。

    But, you know, he told me that he didn't really feel like he had another choice.


    He talks about, you know, a lot of his life is skateboarding and he talks about the importance of committing in skateboarding.


    He'll say, you know, "You commit. You commit to the move. Like, you go for it. You totally go for it or you don't."他说:“你投入了。你全心全意付诸行动。就要去争取。你要么全力以赴,要么就放弃。”
