纽约时报 乌克兰边境紧张局势升级(2)(在线收听



    President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia presided over tests of nuclear-capable missiles as part of what Russia insists are nothing more than exercises and not the precursor to an invasion.


    Tensions between the United States and Russia have not been this high since the Cold War,美国和俄罗斯之间的紧张局势自冷战以来从未达到如此高度,and Russia’s nuclear drills appeared carefully timed to deter the West from direct military involvement in Ukraine.


    Western leaders gathering in Munich issued repeated calls for a diplomatic resolution to the crisis,聚集在慕尼黑的西方领导人多次呼吁通过外交途径解决危机,despite President Biden’s claim on Friday that Mr. Putin had already decided to invade Ukraine.


    The leaders displayed a remarkably united front in what Vice President Kamala Harris called “a defining moment” for European security and the defense of democratic values.


    But in Ukraine, the fighting edged perilously closer to a tipping point.


    And there were alarming signs of what American officials described as possible precursors to a pretext for a Russian invasion.


    Intense artillery barrages targeted a pocket of government-controlled territory around the town of Svitlodarsk,密集的炮火袭击了斯维特洛达斯克附近政府控制的一小块地区。

    a spot that has worried security analysts for weeks for its proximity to dangerous industrial infrastructure, including storage tanks for poisonous gas.


    A stray shell from returning government fire risks hitting a chemical plant about six miles away in separatist-controlled territory.


    The plant, one of Europe’s largest fertilizer factories, has pressurized tanks and more than 12 miles of pipelines holding poisonous ammonia gas.


    An explosion there could produce a toxic cloud that could serve as an excuse for a Russian invasion,那里的爆炸可能会产生毒云,这可能会成为俄罗斯入侵的借口,or American officials have warned, Russia could stage its own explosion there to justify intervention.


    Another potential flash point in the area, a water network that supplies drinking water to several million people on both sides of the conflict, may have been damaged by shelling on Saturday.


    Russia’s Interfax news agency cited a spokesman for the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic saying that shelling had struck a pumping station and the water supply was at risk.

